Addiction Treatment Centers in Logan, Murray, and Provo, Utah
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Dayspring is an outpatient addiction treatment program that helps people recover from substance use disorder, build strong coping skills, and develop ways to remain safe from drug or alcohol use. Also, because of the resources available through Intermountain Healthcare, Dayspring can provide access to additional psychiatry, primary care, and family medicine to ensure integrated, holistic care.
Treatment may include any of the following interventions:
At Dayspring your treatment will start with an assessment to help find the services needed to support you in recovery. We will work closely with you to decide if our programs can help you and your recovery process.
Your health insurance may cover all or some of your treatment depending on your insurance plan. We recommend you contact your insurance company to verify specific coverage. Intermountain Dayspring accepts most insurance plans and will work with your provider to verify benefits. Contact one of our locations to learn more about which policies are accepted.
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